The Stage Gala is a black tie fundraiser where PROFESSIONALS on a passionate path to purpose shine their light TO ENSURE a brighter future for our youth.
A night of celebration, inspiration, and growth - The Stage Gala is a unique experience that brings together a community whose success is based on their passion for what they do and the seeds of compassion they plant during.
With the peak of the night focusing on our members’ accomplishments, stories of change across the community, and raising funds to support A.Bevy's mission, The Stage Gala is where purpose reigns in the forefront.
This year's gala serves as the pinnacle of the A.Bevy 1,000 Campaign. Aiming to find 1,000 people to donate at least $100 - the gala is the deadline for the goal. Click below to learn more about the campaign, its impact, and how to help us reach our goal.
All A.Bevy 1,000 donors receive ADDITIONAL benefits SURROUNDING The Stage Gala.

The world is our stage and our lives represent our time spent in the spotlight. A.Bevy’s vision is a compassionate society - one in which we all tap into our passion, path, & purpose to make the world a better place. We promote utilizing your time on "The Stage" to take your career, talents, and gifts - and help, share, and collaborate with others. By bringing together a community of people who understand this, we all can leave from under the spotlight having given all that we could to secure a better future for all those that come after.