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Nawal Bryant is a recent May 2018 graduate with a degree in Business Management from South Carolina State University from Spartanburg, SC. During her time in undergrad she was very active in many organizations. Nawal served as business manager and corresponding secretary of the Student Government Association. She was the president of the School of Business Ambassadors in addition to serving as the financial secretary for the Alpha Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Nawal will be moving to San Francisco this summer to start her corporate career in tech at Apple.


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

What are you passionate about and at what point/incident in your life did you recognize this passion is the key to your true path?

"As cliche as it sounds, I truly am passionate about helping others.  Growing up my mom owned several business and would always give those that others would turn away, a job. That really taught and showed me how important it is to not judge a person by their appearance and to be open to new people. In college I was very involved in multiple organizations that were all about helping students reach their full potential. Now that I am about to start a tech career in recruiting I have the opportunity to really make a difference and shape the future of minorities in the industry."


How do you use your passion to illuminate change in the world?

"I use my passion to help educate and bring light to the lack of diversity in schools and the workplace. I know that things cannot change over night, or by one person. It's my goal to show my counterparts how important diversity is and the difference it can make when it comes to changing the world. Taking it one day at a time is all we can do, to reach the goal."


If you could leave one lasting impression on others what would it be and why?

"If I could leave one lasting impression on others it would be that I was able to make their day a little bit better. Whether that's through a conversation, a compliment, or a simple smile. I believe that every encounter I have with someone should be positive in some way."

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