Mission: To produce creative + introspective experiences that assist young adults in discovering their passion, path, and purpose.

A.Bevy, Inc. utilizes the arts to educate in order to raise the quality of life in minority areas of our communities.  To accomplish this goal, A.Bevy, Inc.'s Board of Directors lies above the programming and executive levels to ensure the execution of our mission, progressive and sensible strategies to do so, and tactics to sustain and grow the organization's existence and reach.

A.Bevy Inc.'s Board of Directors consist of experienced individuals from the many realms of community, business, education, and politics within both the nonprofit and for profit sectors.  The board meets six (6) times/year outside of attendance at events, retreats, or vacation team-building opportunities. Members of the board must be 22+ with at least two (2) years of experience in their field. The board has no location requirement.

If you are interested in serving on A.Bevy, Inc.'s Board of Directors or would like to recommend someone to serve, please email with your name and Board of Directors in the subject line.